Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas to all...

... and to all a good night.
Yeah, I know, not the most original intro to a blog, but hey, it's the holidays. It's been crazy lately and I feel very much with the badness that I haven't been able to post in a bit.
I just recently changed jobs, going from customer service at E*trade, to work instead at Verio in their technical support team. I'm a much happier camper all together... now (why do I suddenly want to start singing Beatles songs?).
I'm also now running a three (wo)man adventuring party, as an opportunity to teach some new players the ropes, as well as a chance to get some more game running practice in. It's actually pretty cool. If you've never had a chance to run for nothing but female gamers I... well... it has it's great rewards but it's own special challenges. Being the only guy in the room, there are times I suddenly need to step out of the room, turn on some pro-wrestling, take a deep breath of testorone, and then walk back in. Fortunately, with this group, this happens but rarely. It's a lot of fun, and once again, I get to steal concepts from a hundred and one sources and put them together into a somewhat coherent storyline. I am very excited about where this game can go.
The holidays... ah, the holidays. Christmas is a time to spend it with family, be close to the ones you love, and then remember why it was that you moved out in the first place. I'm kidding. I won't lie to you, getting together with my family, with the amount of neurosis, stresses, insanities, and other dysfunctions can make it as comfortable as a donut in Hawk's refrigerator in the middle of Ramadan (read Applegeeks, darn it! Hehehe...) but, it's family. You know, when we chose our families before we got to this life, I wonder... did we really know they would all end up so neurotic? The great thing about families, though, is that no matter what, you still love them. Despite misunderstanding, jealousies, and other mortal foolishness, in our deepest hearts (maybe the cochels, maybe the sub-cochles, maybe even the colan...) we still love them, and our lives are not complete without them.
This year I think Ang and I did pretty darn good on the gift giving, and got some pretty good gifts in return. My Dad got me an air-popper for popcorn. I'm totally excited about that. I can make popcorn for gaming! (IF I can convince Ang to let me buy popcorn... hmm....) Then we got a very nice blender, which means malted milk shakes, smoothies, and other blended beverages (non-alcholic, of course, but if you want a good Kahlua and Irish Creme recipe... no, wait, that's bad, must be good) for gaming (and other get together). I'm starting to notice a trend... We also got gift certificates, an interesting board game focusing on draconology (very curious), and some other odds and ends. All in all, a good year. I hope my brothers, sister-in-law, Dad, and friends all enjoyed what we got them.
One of these days, I'll have to give a little review of the dragon game that my brother got my wife and I, unfortunately, I haven't even opened it up. (Sadly, I was going to bring in my Mr. Potato Head set to decorate my cubical, but I was expecting that it was going to be a bit busier than it currently is.) For right now, all I can do is reaffirm that Dragon Magic is a darn nice book. That the new issue if Dragon magazine is pretty sweet, and that I am geek beyond words.
Well, depending on how the mood strikes me, I may post yet again later. Depends on how the day goes, the wind blows, and the... umm... moon shows (?).

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