While working on a new setting, I was called to remembrance of the Arcane Dragons. They were in the Creature Catalog V, published in Dragon Magazine #343, and written by Jake Manely. These were an interested group of true dragons, currently consisting of only two breeds, the Hex and the Tome. I wanted to update them for Pathfinder. In looking over the dragons, and the Advance Player's Guide, I see these dragons as having some very interesting potential. After looking again and again on the internet, I did not find anyone else having posted or presented an updated versions of these dragons, so I figure I will. Now, there are going to be some alteration to some of the dragons in these posts from the original. These are meant to catch the flavor of the dragon, as well as present some new options. I want to keep with the theme of the dragon, and open the arcane dragons as a more specialized casters. I'm, as always, not trying to step on any toes, or infringe on any copyrights or anything like this. These are all little bits of Fan Love, presented to the general public as little bits to add to their own games.
Dragons, Arcane
Arcane Dragons are tied more closely to the inherent magic that courses through all draconic veins. As such, while they are physically weaker and more fragile then their chromatic or metallic brethren, they are master of magics known to few others. Also, due to their high arcane abilities, but weaker physical capability, arcane dragons often spend almost as much time in and around humanoids, residing in ruins, monasteries, and, in some cases, even cities. They can serve as advisers, instructors, and patrons. Rarely does an arcane dragon take a real leadership roll. Even rarer is the knowledge that the sage, scholar, sorcerer or wandering stranger was anything more than a typical member of the society. This secrecy is due to the number of beings out there that would attempt to enslave or otherwise misuse the dragon.
Most Arcane Dragons, even in their older years, are not the titanic powerhouses their cousins are. In combat an arcane dragon will prefer to send minions in first, if possible, and whittle away at their foes with breath weapon and spell. Preferably, though, an arcane dragon will never get into the position that they have to engage in combat, instead manipulating and affecting things from the shadows. Most arcane dragons actually feel the notion of dirtying their claws is a sign that something failed terribly. Arcane Dragons have many of the same options as a standard true dragon, with the following additional traits.
Alternate Form (Su): An arcane dragon can assume another form 3 times per day as a standard action. All arcane dragons can assume the form of any humanoid creature or animal of Medium size or smaller.
Graceful Flyer (Ex): A young or older arcane dragon's aerial maneuverability is one step better than normal.
Physical Frailty (Ex): Arcane dragons have smaller limbs and weaker natural weapons than other dragon breeds, and are far less suited for physical combat. When determining the type and damage dealt bu their natural weapons, treat arcane dragons as if the dragon is one size category smaller than they actually are (minimum of Tiny), and subtract the reach of all claw and wing attacks by 5 feet.
Hex Dragon
NE dragon (arcane, earth)
Base Statistics
CR 3; Size Small; Hit Dice 4d12
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Natural Armor +2; Breath Weapon line, venom (see below)
Str 9, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 15
Environment Any forest, marsh, or underground
Organization solitary or coven (1-3 dragons)
Treasure triple
Special Abilities
Breath Weapon (Su): A hex dragon has one breath weapon, a line of venom. The following is the effects of the venom:
Putrid Venom breath weaponHex (Su): A hex dragon gains the ability to cast hexes, as a witch. At each age category a hex dragon can select another hex, from the hexes available to a witch. When a dragon reaches Adult it can begin to select hexes from the Major Hex list. Beginning with Ancient, a hex dragon can choose a Grand Hex.
Type Poison, Contact; Save Fortitude DC (constitution based.)
Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds.
Effect Con damage equal to 1/2 the dragons age catagory
Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the dragon's HD + the dragon’s Charisma modifier.
Patron (Su): A very young hex dragon can choose to become a witch's patron. The patron's theme for the witch are the same as the themes of the hex dragon know to the hex dragon at that time. Upon reaching Old, the hex dragon can expand the benefits of belonging to a coven to a number of other individuals equal to the dragon's Charisma modifier. The dragon counts as a hag for the purposes of creating a coven.
Retributive Curse (Su): Hex dragons have learned to channel their pain and anger into terrible retributive magic; many foes who succeed in wounding a hex dragon find themselves wishing they could take back the blow. On any round in which a hex dragon is injured (takes hit point or ability damage), the dragon may curse one of the opponents who injured it as a free action. The effects of this curse increase as the dragon ages:
Sickness: The target is sickened for 1d4 rounds.A successful Will save negates the effect. A hex dragon may bestow curses from younger age categories, if it so chooses. The save DC against the curse is 10+1/2 the dragon's HD + the dragons Charisma modifier.
Agony: The target is crippled by agonizing pain (treat as nauseated) for 1d4 rounds.
Blindness: The target is permanently blinded.
Insanity: Target becomes permanently confused, as per the spell insanity.
Oblivion: Target is obliterated (as if affected by a sphere of annihilation).
Should a hex dragon ever be killed or mortally wounded (reduced to negative hit points), it reflectively unleashes a death curse against all creatures withing a radius equal to 10 feet per age category. All creatures within the area must save as above or suffer the affects of the highest level of curse available to the dragon.
Spells (Sp): A hex dragons cast spells as a sorcerer of it's appropriate caster level. It selects its spells, though, from the witch's spell list. A hex dragon also selects a Patron theme starting as at Very Young, and then one additional Patron theme for every other age category. The bonus spells from the theme are automatically known as the dragon progresses in age.
Vile Resistances (Ex): A hex dragon receive a +4 bonus on saves versus death effects, enchantment spells, and spells and effects that deal negative energy damage. They are immune to disease and poison.
Age Category
Special Abilities
Caster Level*
Hex, Retributive Curse (sickness), Vile Resistances
Very Young
Hex, Patron, Patron theme
Hex, Retributive Curse (agony), spell resistance
Hex, DR 5/magic
Young Adult
Hex, Frightful Presence
Hex, Retributive Curse (blindness)
Mature Adult
Major Hex, DR 10/magic
Hex, Expand Patron
Very Old
Hex, Retributive Curse (insanity)
Grand Hex, DR 15/magic
Great Wyrm
Hex, Retributive Curse (oblivion)
**Grants no more spells know per day than a 20th level sorcerer, but improves spell effects depending on caster level.
Cunning manipulators, hex dragons prefer to reside in swamps, marshes and forests, not too far away from a settlement of creatures that it can bring under it's thrall. Hex dragons prefer to work through henchmen and agents, using it's hexes, spells, and other talents to manipulate, cajole, intimidate, and otherwise insinuate itself behind a mask of patsies and minions into an area. The less they have to do themselves, the better. Do not take this for laziness. A hex dragon can be very industrious should the need arise.
There is a common misconception that there are only female hex dragons. While the number of female hex dragons do out number males by three to one, the male of the species do exist. It is not unheard of, though, for a female hex dragon to breed with another dragon breed, if they can find a willing possible mate, or trick a potential mate.
A hex dragon's greatest threat, though, is not heroes. Other dragons that may share it's territory are the truest threat to a hex dragon. Black dragons are known to find hex dragons and their eggs to be a delicacy. Green dragons, on the other hand, are fond of selling stolen hex dragon eggs to foolish "lesser beings", enjoying the treasure the sale has brought, and the chaos soon to be wrought. It is not unheard of for a noble family to have a "pet dragon" in it's household, not realizing that it's the dragon that is turning the family into it's pets. Such arrangements do not often end well for the nobles.
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